Rest API
- Introduction
- allowlists
- analytics
- chainalysis
- chains
- custom fields
- environments
- events
- exports
- externaljwt
- gates
- members
- organizations
- origins
- projects
- invites
- sdk views
- settings
- tokens
- sessions
- users
- wallets
- webhooks
- Schemas
- AccessOutcomeEnum
- AddDeeplinkUrlRequest
- Allowlist
- AllowlistEntriesResponse
- AllowlistEntry
- AnalyticsSessionsByDate
- AnalyticsVisitResponse
- AnalyticsWalletsBreakdownResponse
- AuthModeEnum
- AuthSettings
- AuthStorageEnum
- AuthenticatorTransportProtocol
- BadRequest
- BaseUser
- BillingSubscription
- BillingSubscriptionPeriod
- BillingSubscriptionPlanTypeEnum
- BulkUserCreateResponse
- ChainConfiguration
- ChainConfigurations
- ChainEnum
- ChainToken
- ChainTokensResponse
- ChainalysisCheck
- ChainalysisCheckResultEnum
- ChainalysisConfiguration
- CoinbaseMpcWalletProperties
- CompletePasskeyRecoveryRequest
- ConnectRequest
- CountryCode
- CreateEmbeddedWalletParams
- CreateEmbeddedWalletSpecificOpts
- CreateEmbeddedWalletsRequest
- CreateMfaToken
- CreateProjectResponse
- CreateTokenResponse
- CreateTurnkeyEmbeddedWalletSpecificOpts
- CreateUserEmbeddedWalletsFromFarcasterRequest
- CreateUserEmbeddedWalletsRequest
- CreateUserOauthRequest
- CreateWalletRequest
- Currency
- CurrencyType
- CustomField
- CustomFieldRequest
- CustomFieldType
- CustomFieldValidValue
- CustomFieldValidationRules
- CustomFieldsResponse
- CustomHostname
- CustomHostnameCreateRequest
- CustomHostnameStatusEnum
- CustomHostnameVerificationRecord
- CustomHostnameVerificationType
- CustomHostnamesResponse
- DeeplinkUrlResponse
- DeeplinkUrlsResponse
- DnsRecordType
- Duration
- DynamicJwt
- EmailProviderResponse
- EmailVerificationCreateRequest
- EmailVerificationCreateResponse
- EmailVerificationRetryRequest
- EmailVerificationVerifyRequest
- EmbeddedWalletAuthToken
- EmbeddedWalletAuthType
- EmbeddedWalletPasscodeClaimRequest
- EmbeddedWalletProviderEnum
- EmbeddedWalletSecret
- EmbeddedWalletSecretWithUpdatedJwt
- EmbeddedWalletSecurityMethod
- EncodedJwt
- EnvironmentEnum
- EnvironmentVisitorsResponse
- EnvironmentsResponse
- ErrorMessageWithCode
- Event
- EventType
- EventTypesResponse
- EventsResponse
- ExchangeRatesResponse
- Export
- ExportCreateRequest
- ExportCreateRequestFilter
- ExportEmbeddedWalletResponse
- ExportFormatEnum
- ExportModelEnum
- ExportStatusEnum
- ExportsResponse
- ExternalAuth
- ExternalAuthSigninRequest
- ExternalJwtCheckRequest
- ExternalJwtCheckResponse
- FarcasterSignInRequest
- Forbidden
- ForbiddenErrorPayload
- ForbiddenWithErrorAndPayload
- FrameworkSettings
- Gate
- GateCreateRequest
- GateRule
- GateRuleFilter
- GateRuleType
- GateUpdateRequest
- GatesResponse
- GetUserPasskeysResponse
- HCaptchaSettings
- HardwareWalletEnum
- HardwareWalletProperties
- HealthcheckResponse
- HealthcheckStatus
- InitEmailAuthRequest
- InitEmailAuthResponse
- InitPasskeyRecoveryRequest
- InitPasskeyRecoveryResponse
- IntegrationSetting
- InternalServerError
- InternalUserFields
- Invite
- InviteConflictResponse
- InviteSendRequest
- InviteStatusEnum
- InviteUpdateRequest
- InvitesResponse
- JwksKey
- JwksResponse
- JwtBlockchainAccount
- JwtPayloadDeprecatedInfo
- JwtVerifiedCredential
- JwtVerifiedCredentialFormatEnum
- Key
- KeyResponse
- KycFieldType
- MFAAuthRecoveryDevicePostRequest
- MFAAuthTotpDevicePostRequest
- MFADevice
- MFADeviceType
- MFAGetDeviceResponse
- MFAGetRecoveryCodesResponse
- MFAListDevicesResponse
- MFARegenRecoveryCodesResponse
- MFARegisterTotpDeviceGetResponse
- MFARegisterTotpDevicePostRequest
- MFARegisterTotpDevicePostResponse
- MFASettings
- MFAUpdateDeviceRequest
- MemberResponse
- MemberRoleField
- MembershipEnvironmentIds
- MergeConflicts
- MergeUser
- MergeUserConflict
- MergeUserConflictResolution
- MergeUserConflictResolutions
- MethodNotAllowed
- MfaBackupCodeAcknowledgement
- MinifiedDynamicJwt
- MobileSettings
- NameService
- NameServiceData
- NativeCurrency
- Network
- NetworkConfiguration
- NetworkConfigurationResponse
- NextJsSettings
- NextViewEnum
- NonEmptyIsoCountryCode
- NonEmptyString
- NonEmptyStringWith255MaxLength
- NonEmptyUrl
- NonEmptyUrlWith255MaxLength
- NonceResponse
- NotFound
- OAuthCode
- OAuthError
- OauthProviderLoginUrl
- OauthProviderRequest
- OauthRedirectRequest
- OauthRedirectRequestIdToken
- OauthRedirectUri
- OauthRequest
- OauthResultRequest
- OauthResultResponse
- OauthResultStatus
- OnrampConfiguration
- OptionalHexString
- OptionalNonEmptyString
- OptionalNonEmptyStringWith255MaxLength
- OptionalNonEmptyUrl
- OptionalNonEmptyUrlWith255MaxLength
- OptionalNullableNonEmptyStringWith255MaxLength
- Organization
- OrganizationFields
- OrganizationMember
- OrganizationMembersResponse
- OrganizationMfaSettings
- OrganizationMfaSettingsResponse
- OrganizationRequest
- OrganizationResponse
- OrganizationsResponse
- OriginResponse
- OriginsResponse
- PasskeyRegistrationCredential
- PasskeyStorage
- PasswordSourceTypeEnum
- PasswordString
- PostAllowlistEntriesRequest
- PostAllowlistsRequest
- PostTokenFields
- PrefetchRequest
- Project
- ProjectEnvironment
- ProjectRequest
- ProjectSettings
- ProjectSettingsChains
- ProjectSettingsDesign
- ProjectSettingsDesignButton
- ProjectSettingsDesignModal
- ProjectSettingsDesignWidget
- ProjectSettingsGeneral
- ProjectSettingsGeneralApps
- ProjectSettingsKyc
- ProjectSettingsPrivacy
- ProjectSettingsSdk
- ProjectSettingsSecurity
- ProjectsResponse
- Provider
- ProviderAgreement
- ProviderCreateRequest
- ProviderEnum
- ProviderUpdateRequest
- ProviderUrl
- ProviderUrlsResponse
- ProvidersResponse
- PublishEvents
- ReactSettings
- RegisterSessionKeyRequest
- RoleEnum
- SdkSettingsRequest
- SdkUser
- SdkView
- SdkViewSection
- SdkViewSectionAlignment
- SdkViewSectionType
- SdkViewType
- SdkViewUpdateRequest
- SdkViewsResponse
- Session
- SignInProviderEnum
- SmsCountryCode
- SmsVerificationCreateRequest
- SmsVerificationCreateResponse
- SmsVerificationRetryRequest
- SmsVerificationVerifyRequest
- SocialSignInProvider
- SocialSignInProviderEnum
- SubscriptionAdvancedScopeEnum
- SubscriptionFreeScopeEnum
- SupportedOnrampsResponse
- SupportedSecurityMethod
- SupportedSecurityMethods
- TimeUnitEnum
- Token
- TokenAddress
- TokenBalance
- TokenCreatedBy
- TokenWithRaw
- TokensResponse
- TooManyRequests
- TurnkeySignedRequest
- TurnkeyStamp
- TurnkeyWalletProperties
- Unauthorized
- UnprocessableEntity
- UnprocessableEntityErrorCode
- UnprocessableEntityErrorPayload
- UpdateProjectRequest
- UpdateProjectResponse
- UpdateRecoveryEmailRequest
- UpdateSelfResponse
- UpdateUserPasskeyRequest
- User
- UserFields
- UserFilterableFieldsEnum
- UserIdentifierTypeEnum
- UserOauthAccessTokenResponse
- UserPasskey
- UserResponse
- UserSearchFilterParams
- UserWalletSelectionRequest
- UserWalletsResponse
- Username
- UsersResponse
- ValidCustomHostname
- ValidStringQueryParam
- VerifyRequest
- VerifyResponse
- VerifyUnlinkRequest
- Visitor
- VisitorFilterableFieldsEnum
- VisitorSearchFilterParams
- VisitorsResponse
- Wallet
- WalletAdditionalAddress
- WalletAddressType
- WalletProperties
- WalletProviderEnum
- WalletPublicKey
- Webhook
- WebhookCreateRequest
- WebhookMessage
- WebhookMessageRedeliveryResponse
- WebhookMessagesResponse
- WebhookUpdateRequest
- WebhooksResponse
- WhenToImplementEnum
- btcWalletString
- caip2
- captchaToken
- ckbWalletString
- deeplinkUrl
- dogeWalletString
- emailOrEmptyString
- kasWalletString
- kdaWalletString
- ltcWalletString
- oAuthAccount
- orderBy
- origin
- phoneNumberOrEmptyString
- sixDigitsVerificationToken
- uuid
Required string length:
Human-readable name of the gate. This should be something helpful to organize gates.
String for the resulting scope of the gate. If the rules of the gate apply to the user being verified, then this scope will be surfaced in the JWT. If a scope is not provided for the gate, the default behavior of the gate would be to block access to users that the rules do not currently apply to.
If the gate is enabled, then this timestamp will be present.
The rules which will be used to evaluate users being verified. If multiple rules are present in a single gate, then all the rules need to apply for the user to gain the scope defined by the gate.
Available options:
, token
Defines one token address connected with network Id on which it's working
Available options:
, siteAccess
, block
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