Rest API
- GETGet the name service for the environment and chain
- POSTCreate a new name service for the environment and chain
- DELdelete the name service for the environment and chain
- POSTGet the unsigned chain-specific message needed to be signed by the wallet owner using the wallet private key
- PUTEnable name service for this environment and chain
- PUTDisabled name service for this environment and chain
Custom Networks
- POSTCreates a new embedded wallet for a user given an identifier
- POSTCreates a new embedded wallet. This API is meant to be called from a frame server.
- GETGet wallets by user (deprecated - use /environments/{environmentId}/users/{userId}/wallets instead)
- POSTCreates a new wallet for the user (deprecated - use /environments/{environmentId}/users/{userId}/wallets instead)
- GETGet wallets by user
- POSTCreates a new wallet for the user. Note that if the user already has an embedded wallet linked, this call will fail.
- GETGet a wallet using the ID (deprecated - use /environments/{environmentId}/wallets/{walletId} instead)
- DELDelete wallet (deprecated - use /environments/{environmentId}/wallets/{walletId} instead)
- GETGet a wallet using the ID
- DELDelete wallet
- GETGet a user by Id (deprecated - use /environments/{environmentId}/users/{userId} instead)
- PUTUpdate a user (deprecated - use /environments/{environmentId}/users/{userId} instead)
- DELDelete user (deprecated - use /environments/{environmentId}/users/{userId} instead)
- GETGet a user by Id
- PUTUpdate a user
- DELDelete user
- GETGet the access token for a user OAuth account
- GETGet all users for an environment
- POSTCreates a new user
- POSTRevoke sessions by user ID
- POSTRevoke sessions by user ID
- POSTCreates many new users
- GETGet all allowlists for a environment
- POSTCreate new allowlist for a environment
- GETGet allowlist by id
- PUTUpdate the outcome, scope, or name of an allowlist entry by ID
- DELDelete an allowlist
- PUTEnable the allowlist
- PUTDisable the allow list
- GETGet all entries for an allowlist
- POSTCreate a new entry for an allowlist
- DELDelete an allowlist entry
SDK Views
- GETGet the Webhooks for an environment
- POSTCreates a new Webhooks for the project environment
- GETGet the Webhook for an environment
- PUTUpdate the Webhook for an environment
- DELDelete the Webhook for an environment
- GETGet the Messages for an webhook
- GETGet the Message deliveries for a webhook
- POSTRedeliver message for an webhook
- GETGet exchangerates
- GETCheck user field uniqueness
- POSTInitialize oauth auth sequence
- GETCheck that session is valid
- POSTScan a URL for potential malicious activity
- POSTSimulate a Solana transaction
- POSTSimulate an EVM transaction
- POSTSimulate an EVM AA UserOp
- POSTEndpoint to sign-in using a token issued by an external auth provider
- POSTAdd fees to a Solana transaction
- POST[DEPRECATED] Please use /externalAuth/signin instead
- GETGet auth token for given embedded wallet type
- GETReturn the passcode for the pregenerated embedded wallet of the authenticated user
- PUTUpdate wallet in a multi-wallet selection
- PUTClaim a pregenerated embedded wallet
- GETReturn the backup key for the embedded wallet of the authenticated user
- POSTUpdate V1 embedded wallet to V2
- GETGet sdk healthcheck
- POSTEndpoint to refresh the JWT auth token using the current valid JWT auth token in the authorization header
- GETGet signin email provider
- GETGet redirect URL for Oauth provider login. This will return a string that the SDK can manipulate before redirecting the browser to.
- GETGet redirect URL for Oauth provider login
- GETOauth provider redirect endpoint
- GETRedirect URL for sign-in with coinbase
- POSTOauth provider redirect endpoint for apple ID
- GETOauth provider authorization endpoint
- POSTOauth provider verify endpoint
- POSTFarcaster provider SignIn endpoint
- POSTFarcaster provider Verify endpoint
- POSTOauth provider SignIn endpoint
- POSTReturns the authorization code or error retuned by oauth provider
- GETCreate nonce for authentication flow
- POSTPublish events for SDK
- GETGet the environment's settings
- POSTUpdate SDK settings for a specific environment
- POSTLink wallet to user
- POSTMerge users with conflict resolutions
- POSTVerify wallet transfer
- POSTRevoke a session
- POSTunlink wallet from user
- POSTprefetch information for wallet address
- POSTCreate a visit
- POSTVerify payload and return JWT
- GETFetch user profile for the current authenticated user
- PUTUpdate a user's fields
- DELHard delete a user
- PUTUpdate a user's Turnkey recovery email
- GETGets passkey data associated with a user
- PUTUpdate a passkey's info
- GETGet the current user's MFA Devices
- GETGet the current user's MFA by device id
- PUTUpdate a device
- DELDelete a device (if not default device)
- GETRegister a new TOTP MFA device and get Totp Secret
- POSTVerify TOTP MFA device
- POSTUpgrade JWT scope with valid MFA session
- GETRegister a new Passkey MFA device
- POSTVerify Passkey MFA device
- GETAuth Passkey MFA device
- POSTUpgrade JWT scope with valid MFA session
- POSTUpgrade JWT scope with valid MFA session
- GETGet recovery codes
- POSTGenerate new recovery codes for user
- POSTAfter successful verification allow to merge two owned accounts
- POSTCreate one or more new embedded wallets for a user
- DELDeletes the embedded wallets for a user
- GETGenerates the turnkey request body for a user's delete wallets request
- POSTAdd a wallet account to a user's existing Turnkey HD wallet
- GETGenerates the turnkey request body for a user's create wallet account request
- POSTInitialize the email authentication process for a user's embedded wallet
- PUTCompletes the passkey recovery process for a user's passkey embedded wallet
- POSTInitialize the passkey recovery process for a user's passkey embedded wallet
- POSTRegisters a session key for an embedded wallet
- GETRequests an export of an embedded wallet
- GETFind the configuration for the enabled networks associated to an environment
- GETConfiguration for enabled onramps
- POSTInitialize email verification process
- POSTInitialize sms verification process
- POSTSend new code for sms verification
- POSTVerify sms verification request
- POSTVerify an sms and sign in user
- POSTVerify email verification request
- POSTVerify an email and sign in user
- POSTSend new code for email verification
- GETFind jwks for public key
- GETGet sdk exchangerates
- GETGet the token balances for an account
- GETGet HTML with rendered Telegram login widget
- POSTHandle Telegram authentication
- POSTTelegram provider SignIn endpoint
- POSTTelegram provider check auth
- POSTTelegram provider Verify endpoint
- POSTCreate a new waas account
- POSTRefresh keyshares
- POSTImport an existing private key to create a waas account
- POSTExport private Key of a waas account
- POSTSign a message with a waas account
- POSTBackup multiple keyShares for a waaS wallet
- POSTBackup multiple keyShares for a waaS wallet to Google Drive
- POSTRecover multiple keyShares
- POSTReshare secret shares and update the threshold
- GETGet the global wallet settings for the environment
- GETGet the access token for a user OAuth account
Custom Fields
, custom
Optional validation rules for the custom field
If this field must be unique for every user in the environment
The regex pattern that the text field must match
The dropdown options for the select field
{ "label": "small" },
{ "label": "medium" },
{ "label": "large" }
The text that will be displayed for the checkbox field
"Agree to the terms and conditions"
, checkbox
, select
"An example name"
"slack": "",
"twitter": ""
"An example name"
, magicLink
, blocto
, turnkey
, coinbaseWaas
, magicLink
, blocto
, turnkey
, coinbaseWaas
, bitbucket
, coinbasesocial
, discord
, epicgames
, facebook
, farcaster
, github
, gitlab
, google
, instagram
, linkedin
, microsoft
, twitch
, twitter
, telegram
, spotify
, tiktok
, line
, steam
, shopify
Whether to enable whitelisting mobile deeplink URLs, which will be used for redirecting back to the mobile app. Is required for many features such as social sign in.
passkeyEmbeddedWalletEnabled is deprecated as of v0.19. Please enable embedded wallets using the provider API.
Embedded wallet authenticator security methods required upon creation of the embedded wallet at onboarding
, passphrase
When true embedded wallets will be generated during onboarding for the users. When false customer needs to trigger the creation.
When true embedded wallets will be created for external wallets during sign in. When false embedded wallets are not generated for external wallets during sign in.
When true users will see embedded wallets action confirmation views.
When true users will be able to start recovery for their accounts.
When true user will be prompted to add a security method during onboarding. When false user will need to add a security method before a transaction
When combined with forceAuthenticatorAtSignup it allows user to skip adding a security method during onboarding. User will need to add it before a transaction.
When a client domain needs to be whitelisted explicitly by one of our embedded wallet providers, this will be true when Dynamic has confirmed that this is the case.
, V2
, V3
When true, the user will be prompted to export their private key after creating a wallet.
When true, user transactions will show asset transfers in the Confirmation UI.
When true, passcode security method is forced for v3 embedded wallets. Usually it is an optional security method.
, icloud
Configs used to create the views in the sdk.
Configs used to create the view in the sdk.
The sections which will be used create the view in the sdk. The sections will be displayed in the order that they appear in the array.
A section used create the view in the sdk.
, emailAndPhone
, phone
, separator
, social
, text
, wallet
The label for the section. This will be displayed above the section or as part of the separator component if it is a Separator section.
The deafult number of items to display in the section. For Wallet section, represents the number of wallet items to be displayed by default. User has to click a button to view more options if there are any. For Social section, represents the number of social providers to be displayed by default. User has to click a button to view more options if there are any.
The option to be displayed as the main one. The default item will be displayed in a more prominent way than the rest of the items in the section. For Wallet section, represents the wallet item to be displayed by default. For Social section, represents the social provider to be displayed by default.
, left
, right
If set to false, will create smart wallets for embedded wallets only.
If set to false, will create smart wallets for new users only.
if set to false, only smart wallet will be in user wallets list.
Ids of wallet connectors to filter out from available options in the sdk
, coinbaseOnramp
Location in the browser where Dynamic will attempt to store the JWT token.
, cookie
"An example name"
"An example name"
"An example name"
, live
, custom
Optional validation rules for the custom field
If this field must be unique for every user in the environment
The regex pattern that the text field must match
The dropdown options for the select field
{ "label": "small" },
{ "label": "medium" },
{ "label": "large" }
The text that will be displayed for the checkbox field
"Agree to the terms and conditions"
, checkbox
, select
External integrations like e-mail, social credentials, mpc providers, etc.
, magicLink
, apple
, bitbucket
, coinbasesocial
, discord
, epicgames
, facebook
, farcaster
, github
, gitlab
, google
, instagram
, linkedin
, microsoft
, twitch
, twitter
, blocto
, banxa
, coinbaseOnramp
, dynamic
, alchemy
, zerodev
, telegram
, turnkey
, coinbaseWaas
, sms
, spotify
, tiktok
, line
, steam
, shopify
Standard OAuth client ID. For more information, see:
Standard OAuth client secret key. For more information, see:
Some providers require additional information, typically called a project ID or site ID
If the provider supports Oauth 2, this field will contain the URL of the login and authorization where a user can authorize the applciation to gain access to their provider account
If the provider supports Oauth 2, this field will contain the URL of redirect or callback URL which will need to be provided to the Oauth provider to properly configure your App tp talk with Dynamic
DEPRECATED: Use defaultChain. The default chain id the SDK should use
CAIP-2 Chain ID (
5 - 41
The url of the site to go to export wallets private keys
Reference to the user that accepted the terms and conditions, if one is necessary for this provider.
The url of the terms and conditions or privacy policy needed to be shown to the client when creating a new provider that requires terms and conditions to be signed before starting configuration.
Optional custom space-delimited list of Oauth scopes for the social provider
Base auth url for oauth provider
Key ID required for Apple Oauth2 applications. This is the identifier for a private key.
Team ID required for Apple Oauth2 applications. This is associated with the Apple developer membership account.
Shopify store required for Shopify Oauth2 applications.
Required to initialize Twilio provider.
Required to initialize Twilio provider. Phone number used to send SMS messages.
, v7
, v3_0
, v3_1
, zerodev_multi_chain
"Ethereum Mainnet"
A light client, compared to a full node, tracks only pieces of certain information on a blockchain. Light clients do not track the entire state of a blockchain and also do not contain every transaction/block of a chain.
[Deprecated] use name
property instead
"Ethereum Mainnet"
Contains the client private RPC urls
"mainnet, devnet, etc"
Was this page helpful?
"environmentName": "sandbox",
"chains": [
"name": "<string>",
"enabled": true,
"networks": [
"networkId": "1",
"chainName": "Ethereum Mainnet",
"enabled": true,
"rpcUrl": "<string>",
"iconUrl": "<string>",
"type": "custom"
"customFields": [
"name": "<string>",
"required": true,
"enabled": true,
"unique": true,
"verify": true,
"type": "standard",
"validationRules": {
"unique": true,
"regex": "^0x",
"validOptions": [
"label": "small"
"label": "medium"
"label": "large"
"checkboxText": "Agree to the terms and conditions"
"validationType": "text",
"label": "<string>",
"position": 123
"kyc": [
"name": "<string>",
"required": true,
"enabled": true,
"unique": true,
"verify": true,
"type": "standard",
"validationRules": {
"unique": true,
"regex": "^0x",
"validOptions": [
"label": "small"
"label": "medium"
"label": "large"
"checkboxText": "Agree to the terms and conditions"
"validationType": "text",
"label": "<string>",
"position": 123
"design": {
"modal": {
"border": "<string>",
"brand": "<string>",
"primaryColor": "<string>",
"radius": 123,
"theme": "<string>",
"view": "<string>",
"template": "<string>",
"displayOrder": [
"emailOnly": true,
"showWalletsButton": true,
"emailSubmitButtonInsideInput": true,
"splitEmailAndSocial": true,
"socialAboveEmail": true
"button": {
"background": "<string>",
"fontColor": "<string>",
"paddingHeight": 123,
"paddingWidth": 123,
"radius": 123
"widget": {
"backgroundColor": "<string>",
"border": "<string>",
"radius": 123,
"textColor": "<string>",
"theme": "<string>"
"general": {
"displayName": "An example name",
"supportEmail": "",
"supportText": "<string>",
"appLogo": "<string>",
"imageUserNotInAccessList": "<string>",
"imageUserInAccessList": "<string>",
"supportUrls": {
"slack": "",
"twitter": ""
"collectUserDataWelcomeHeader": "<string>",
"collectUserDataWelcomeMessage": "<string>",
"skipOptionalKYCFieldDuringOnboarding": true,
"emailCompanyName": "An example name"
"privacy": {
"collectIp": true
"providers": [
"id": "95b11417-f18f-457f-8804-68e361f9164f",
"provider": "emailOnly",
"enabledAt": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"clientId": "<string>",
"clientSecret": "<string>",
"providerProjectId": "<string>",
"authorizationUrl": "<string>",
"redirectUrl": "<string>",
"defaultChainId": 123,
"defaultChain": "eip155:1",
"keyExportUrl": "<string>",
"termsAcceptedByUser": {
"termsUrl": "<string>",
"email": "",
"userId": "95b11417-f18f-457f-8804-68e361f9164f",
"createdAt": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z"
"scopes": "<string>",
"baseAuthUrl": "<string>",
"appleKeyId": "<string>",
"appleTeamId": "<string>",
"shopifyStore": "<string>",
"accountSid": "<string>",
"twilioNumber": "<string>",
"enabledCountries": [
"isoCountryCode": "US",
"phoneCountryCode": "An example name"
"entryPointVersion": "v6",
"kernelVersion": "v2_4",
"multichainAccountAbstractionProviders": [
"clientId": "<string>",
"chain": "<string>",
"default": true
"ecdsaProviderType": "zerodev_signer_to_ecdsa",
"createNewAccounts": true,
"enableKernelV3Migration": true,
"enableEIP7702": true
"sdk": {
"nameService": {
"evm": {
"domain": "<string>"
"featureFlags": {
"connectOnlyMultiAsset": true
"emailSignIn": {
"signInProvider": "dynamic"
"socialSignIn": {
"signInProvider": "dynamic",
"providers": [
"provider": "apple",
"enabled": true
"multiWallet": true,
"multiWalletUnlinkDisabled": true,
"mobile": {
"deeplinkUrlsEnabled": true
"confirmWalletTransfers": true,
"onrampFunding": true,
"passkeyEmbeddedWalletEnabled": true,
"automaticEmbeddedWalletCreation": true,
"passkeyEmbeddedWalletRecoveryEnabled": true,
"embeddedWalletSecurityMethods": [
"embeddedWallets": {
"automaticEmbeddedWalletCreation": true,
"automaticEmbeddedWalletCreationForExternal": true,
"showEmbeddedWalletActionsUI": true,
"emailRecoveryEnabled": true,
"forceAuthenticatorAtSignup": true,
"allowSkippingAuthenticatorAtSignup": true,
"sessionKeyDuration": {
"amount": 123,
"unit": "days"
"supportedSecurityMethods": {
"passkey": {
"isDefault": true,
"isEnabled": true,
"isPermanentAuthenticator": true,
"listPosition": 123
"email": {
"isDefault": true,
"isEnabled": true,
"isPermanentAuthenticator": true,
"listPosition": 123
"password": {
"isDefault": true,
"isEnabled": true,
"isPermanentAuthenticator": true,
"listPosition": 123
"chainConfigurations": [
"name": "<string>",
"enabled": true,
"primary": true
"domainEnabledByProvider": true,
"defaultWalletVersion": "V1",
"promptForKeyExport": true,
"transactionSimulation": true
"waas": {
"passcodeRequired": true,
"onSignUp": {
"promptBackupOptions": true,
"promptClientShareExport": true
"backupOptions": [
"walletConnect": {
"projectId": "<string>",
"v2Enabled": true,
"walletProjectId": "<string>"
"confirmEmailProviderForVerify": true,
"displayDynamicMessaging": true,
"hideNetworkInDynamicWidget": true,
"preventOrphanedAccounts": true,
"views": [
"type": "login",
"sections": [
"type": "email",
"label": "<string>",
"numOfItemsToDisplay": 123,
"defaultItem": "<string>",
"alignment": "center"
"accountAbstraction": {
"allWallets": true,
"allUsers": true,
"separateSmartWalletAndSigner": true
"blockEmailSubaddresses": true,
"enableMultiAsset": true,
"showFiat": true,
"disabledWalletConnectors": [
"funding": {
"onramps": [
"externalWallets": {
"enabled": true,
"minAmount": {
"amount": "<string>",
"currency": "<string>"
"defaultSettings": {
"chainSettings": [
"chain": "ETH",
"token": {
"value": "<string>",
"rule": "recommended"
"security": {
"jwtDuration": {
"amount": 123,
"unit": "days"
"hCaptcha": {
"enabled": true,
"secretKey": "<string>",
"siteKey": "<string>"
"mfa": {
"enabled": true,
"required": true,
"availableMethods": [
"auth": {
"storage": [
"externalAuth": {
"enabled": true,
"iss": "An example name",
"aud": "An example name",
"jwksUrl": "<string>",
"cookieName": "An example name"
"networks": [
"chainName": "<string>",
"networks": [
"lcdUrl": "",
"chainName": "Ethereum Mainnet",
"key": "ethereum",
"name": "Ethereum Mainnet",
"shortName": "ETH",
"isTestnet": false,
"chain": "ETH",
"chainId": "1",
"nameService": {
"registry": "0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e"
"networkId": "1",
"iconUrls": [
"nativeCurrency": {
"decimals": "18",
"name": "Ether",
"symbol": "ETH",
"denom": "uatom",
"iconUrl": "<string>",
"pricingProviderTokenId": "<string>"
"rpcUrls": [
"privateCustomerRpcUrls": [
"blockExplorerUrls": [
"vanityName": "Ethereum",
"bech32Prefix": "cosmos",
"genesisHash": "5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp",
"cluster": "mainnet, devnet, etc"