Rest API
- Introduction
- allowlists
- analytics
- chainalysis
- chains
- custom fields
- environments
- events
- exports
- externaljwt
- gates
- members
- organizations
- origins
- projects
- invites
- sdk views
- settings
- tokens
- sessions
- users
- wallets
- webhooks
- Schemas
- AccessOutcomeEnum
- AddDeeplinkUrlRequest
- Allowlist
- AllowlistEntriesResponse
- AllowlistEntry
- AnalyticsSessionsByDate
- AnalyticsVisitResponse
- AnalyticsWalletsBreakdownResponse
- AuthModeEnum
- AuthSettings
- AuthStorageEnum
- AuthenticatorTransportProtocol
- BadRequest
- BaseUser
- BillingSubscription
- BillingSubscriptionPeriod
- BillingSubscriptionPlanTypeEnum
- BulkUserCreateResponse
- ChainConfiguration
- ChainConfigurations
- ChainEnum
- ChainToken
- ChainTokensResponse
- ChainalysisCheck
- ChainalysisCheckResultEnum
- ChainalysisConfiguration
- CoinbaseMpcWalletProperties
- CompletePasskeyRecoveryRequest
- ConnectRequest
- CountryCode
- CreateEmbeddedWalletParams
- CreateEmbeddedWalletSpecificOpts
- CreateEmbeddedWalletsRequest
- CreateMfaToken
- CreateProjectResponse
- CreateTokenResponse
- CreateTurnkeyEmbeddedWalletSpecificOpts
- CreateUserEmbeddedWalletsFromFarcasterRequest
- CreateUserEmbeddedWalletsRequest
- CreateUserOauthRequest
- CreateWalletRequest
- Currency
- CurrencyType
- CustomField
- CustomFieldRequest
- CustomFieldType
- CustomFieldValidValue
- CustomFieldValidationRules
- CustomFieldsResponse
- CustomHostname
- CustomHostnameCreateRequest
- CustomHostnameStatusEnum
- CustomHostnameVerificationRecord
- CustomHostnameVerificationType
- CustomHostnamesResponse
- DeeplinkUrlResponse
- DeeplinkUrlsResponse
- DnsRecordType
- Duration
- DynamicJwt
- EmailProviderResponse
- EmailVerificationCreateRequest
- EmailVerificationCreateResponse
- EmailVerificationRetryRequest
- EmailVerificationVerifyRequest
- EmbeddedWalletAuthToken
- EmbeddedWalletAuthType
- EmbeddedWalletPasscodeClaimRequest
- EmbeddedWalletProviderEnum
- EmbeddedWalletSecret
- EmbeddedWalletSecretWithUpdatedJwt
- EmbeddedWalletSecurityMethod
- EncodedJwt
- EnvironmentEnum
- EnvironmentVisitorsResponse
- EnvironmentsResponse
- ErrorMessageWithCode
- Event
- EventType
- EventTypesResponse
- EventsResponse
- ExchangeRatesResponse
- Export
- ExportCreateRequest
- ExportCreateRequestFilter
- ExportEmbeddedWalletResponse
- ExportFormatEnum
- ExportModelEnum
- ExportStatusEnum
- ExportsResponse
- ExternalAuth
- ExternalAuthSigninRequest
- ExternalJwtCheckRequest
- ExternalJwtCheckResponse
- FarcasterSignInRequest
- Forbidden
- ForbiddenErrorPayload
- ForbiddenWithErrorAndPayload
- FrameworkSettings
- Gate
- GateCreateRequest
- GateRule
- GateRuleFilter
- GateRuleType
- GateUpdateRequest
- GatesResponse
- GetUserPasskeysResponse
- HCaptchaSettings
- HardwareWalletEnum
- HardwareWalletProperties
- HealthcheckResponse
- HealthcheckStatus
- InitEmailAuthRequest
- InitEmailAuthResponse
- InitPasskeyRecoveryRequest
- InitPasskeyRecoveryResponse
- IntegrationSetting
- InternalServerError
- InternalUserFields
- Invite
- InviteConflictResponse
- InviteSendRequest
- InviteStatusEnum
- InviteUpdateRequest
- InvitesResponse
- JwksKey
- JwksResponse
- JwtBlockchainAccount
- JwtPayloadDeprecatedInfo
- JwtVerifiedCredential
- JwtVerifiedCredentialFormatEnum
- Key
- KeyResponse
- KycFieldType
- MFAAuthRecoveryDevicePostRequest
- MFAAuthTotpDevicePostRequest
- MFADevice
- MFADeviceType
- MFAGetDeviceResponse
- MFAGetRecoveryCodesResponse
- MFAListDevicesResponse
- MFARegenRecoveryCodesResponse
- MFARegisterTotpDeviceGetResponse
- MFARegisterTotpDevicePostRequest
- MFARegisterTotpDevicePostResponse
- MFASettings
- MFAUpdateDeviceRequest
- MemberResponse
- MemberRoleField
- MembershipEnvironmentIds
- MergeConflicts
- MergeUser
- MergeUserConflict
- MergeUserConflictResolution
- MergeUserConflictResolutions
- MethodNotAllowed
- MfaBackupCodeAcknowledgement
- MinifiedDynamicJwt
- MobileSettings
- NameService
- NameServiceData
- NativeCurrency
- Network
- NetworkConfiguration
- NetworkConfigurationResponse
- NextJsSettings
- NextViewEnum
- NonEmptyIsoCountryCode
- NonEmptyString
- NonEmptyStringWith255MaxLength
- NonEmptyUrl
- NonEmptyUrlWith255MaxLength
- NonceResponse
- NotFound
- OAuthCode
- OAuthError
- OauthProviderLoginUrl
- OauthProviderRequest
- OauthRedirectRequest
- OauthRedirectRequestIdToken
- OauthRedirectUri
- OauthRequest
- OauthResultRequest
- OauthResultResponse
- OauthResultStatus
- OnrampConfiguration
- OptionalHexString
- OptionalNonEmptyString
- OptionalNonEmptyStringWith255MaxLength
- OptionalNonEmptyUrl
- OptionalNonEmptyUrlWith255MaxLength
- OptionalNullableNonEmptyStringWith255MaxLength
- Organization
- OrganizationFields
- OrganizationMember
- OrganizationMembersResponse
- OrganizationMfaSettings
- OrganizationMfaSettingsResponse
- OrganizationRequest
- OrganizationResponse
- OrganizationsResponse
- OriginResponse
- OriginsResponse
- PasskeyRegistrationCredential
- PasskeyStorage
- PasswordSourceTypeEnum
- PasswordString
- PostAllowlistEntriesRequest
- PostAllowlistsRequest
- PostTokenFields
- PrefetchRequest
- Project
- ProjectEnvironment
- ProjectRequest
- ProjectSettings
- ProjectSettingsChains
- ProjectSettingsDesign
- ProjectSettingsDesignButton
- ProjectSettingsDesignModal
- ProjectSettingsDesignWidget
- ProjectSettingsGeneral
- ProjectSettingsGeneralApps
- ProjectSettingsKyc
- ProjectSettingsPrivacy
- ProjectSettingsSdk
- ProjectSettingsSecurity
- ProjectsResponse
- Provider
- ProviderAgreement
- ProviderCreateRequest
- ProviderEnum
- ProviderUpdateRequest
- ProviderUrl
- ProviderUrlsResponse
- ProvidersResponse
- PublishEvents
- ReactSettings
- RegisterSessionKeyRequest
- RoleEnum
- SdkSettingsRequest
- SdkUser
- SdkView
- SdkViewSection
- SdkViewSectionAlignment
- SdkViewSectionType
- SdkViewType
- SdkViewUpdateRequest
- SdkViewsResponse
- Session
- SignInProviderEnum
- SmsCountryCode
- SmsVerificationCreateRequest
- SmsVerificationCreateResponse
- SmsVerificationRetryRequest
- SmsVerificationVerifyRequest
- SocialSignInProvider
- SocialSignInProviderEnum
- SubscriptionAdvancedScopeEnum
- SubscriptionFreeScopeEnum
- SupportedOnrampsResponse
- SupportedSecurityMethod
- SupportedSecurityMethods
- TimeUnitEnum
- Token
- TokenAddress
- TokenBalance
- TokenCreatedBy
- TokenWithRaw
- TokensResponse
- TooManyRequests
- TurnkeySignedRequest
- TurnkeyStamp
- TurnkeyWalletProperties
- Unauthorized
- UnprocessableEntity
- UnprocessableEntityErrorCode
- UnprocessableEntityErrorPayload
- UpdateProjectRequest
- UpdateProjectResponse
- UpdateRecoveryEmailRequest
- UpdateSelfResponse
- UpdateUserPasskeyRequest
- User
- UserFields
- UserFilterableFieldsEnum
- UserIdentifierTypeEnum
- UserOauthAccessTokenResponse
- UserPasskey
- UserResponse
- UserSearchFilterParams
- UserWalletSelectionRequest
- UserWalletsResponse
- Username
- UsersResponse
- ValidCustomHostname
- ValidStringQueryParam
- VerifyRequest
- VerifyResponse
- VerifyUnlinkRequest
- Visitor
- VisitorFilterableFieldsEnum
- VisitorSearchFilterParams
- VisitorsResponse
- Wallet
- WalletAdditionalAddress
- WalletAddressType
- WalletProperties
- WalletProviderEnum
- WalletPublicKey
- Webhook
- WebhookCreateRequest
- WebhookMessage
- WebhookMessageRedeliveryResponse
- WebhookMessagesResponse
- WebhookUpdateRequest
- WebhooksResponse
- WhenToImplementEnum
- btcWalletString
- caip2
- captchaToken
- ckbWalletString
- deeplinkUrl
- dogeWalletString
- emailOrEmptyString
- kasWalletString
- kdaWalletString
- ltcWalletString
- oAuthAccount
- orderBy
- origin
- phoneNumberOrEmptyString
- sixDigitsVerificationToken
- uuid
Contains information which the integrating client of this API can use to tailor an experience to a customer to fix the underlying issue that triggered this error.
, magicLink
, apple
, bitbucket
, coinbasesocial
, discord
, facebook
, farcaster
, github
, gitlab
, google
, instagram
, linkedin
, microsoft
, twitch
, twitter
, blocto
, banxa
, dynamic
, alchemy
, zerodev
, telegram
, turnkey
, coinbaseWaas
, sms
, magicLink
, apple
, bitbucket
, coinbasesocial
, discord
, facebook
, farcaster
, github
, gitlab
, google
, instagram
, linkedin
, microsoft
, twitch
, twitter
, blocto
, banxa
, dynamic
, alchemy
, zerodev
, telegram
, turnkey
, coinbaseWaas
, sms
Contains information needed for the SDK to surface merge conflicts when attempting to merge information from one user to another
Valid blockchain wallet address, must be an alphanumeric string without any special characters
This is used to publicly identify a verified credential in a human-friendly way. For example, this will be the email address if credential format=email.
, custodialService
, walletConnect
, qrCode
, deepLink
, embeddedWallet
, smartContractWallet
Whether or not the wallet has an authenticator (passkey, api key, etc) attached to it.
, V2
, email
, oauth
, passkey
, phoneNumber
, externalUser
, magicLink
, apple
, bitbucket
, coinbasesocial
, discord
, facebook
, farcaster
, github
, gitlab
, google
, instagram
, linkedin
, microsoft
, twitch
, twitter
, blocto
, banxa
, dynamic
, alchemy
, zerodev
, telegram
, turnkey
, coinbaseWaas
, sms
This field contains the phone number in the country. This could also contain the area code within a country.
This field contains the phone international country code. See
ISO-3166 two-character country code. See
This object contains JSON metadata for a social-based verified credential. It may contain data about the user that does not fit into the other structured fields, and could include arbitrary fields about the user from the oauth provider's API.
This will only be provided in the responses for GET /users/{userId}.Previous user IDs that owned this verified credential and was tranfered to the current user ID.
An address associated with a wallet.
The public key associated with the address.
, payment
, cosmos
, evm
This timestamp indicates the last time this verified wallet was either connected to the user account or selected to become the primary wallet on the account.
Standard ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two-letter country code
, complete
Access lists evaluated by Dynamic when considering access for the user.
A whitespace-separate list of permissions associated with the JWT token issued. This conforms to the JWT standard for scope claims:
, custom
Optional validation rules for the custom field
If this field must be unique for every user in the environment
The regex pattern that the text field must match
The dropdown options for the select field
The text that will be displayed for the checkbox field
, checkbox
, select
, custom
Optional validation rules for the custom field
If this field must be unique for every user in the environment
The regex pattern that the text field must match
The dropdown options for the select field
The text that will be displayed for the checkbox field
, checkbox
, select
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