In order to use most of our react native features (such as social connections), you will first have to set up the list of mobile deeplink URLs dynamic may use to redirect back to your app.

For security reasons, when deeplinking back to your app, we must verify whether the app’s deeplink URL is included in this list. If it isn’t, Dynamic will not perform the deeplink.

How to set up your app for deeplinking

Configuring your app’s custom scheme

First, you should follow Expo’s guide on enabling deeplinking for your app here.

Afterwards, head to your Dynamic dashboard’s Security page and enable “Whitelist Mobile Deeplink”. Click “Save changes”.

Next, click the cog in this same section to open up the Mobile Deeplink URL page, and there you must add your app’s deeplink URL with the same custom scheme you configured in the previous step. It might look something like this: myappcustomscheme://.

With this, you’re done! Dynamic is ready to deeplink back to your app.

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