
The useSmartWallets hook provides utility functions for working with smart contract wallets and their corresponding EOA (Externally Owned Account) wallets.


import { useSmartWallets } from '@dynamic-labs/sdk-react';

function MyComponent() {
  const { isSmartWallet, getEOAWallet, getSmartWallet } = useSmartWallets();
  // ...

Return Value

The hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • isSmartWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => boolean; Allows you to tell whether a wallet is a Smart Contract Wallet.

  • getEOAWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => Wallet | undefined; Given a smart wallet, returns the correspondent EOA wallet. If a non smart wallet is provided, returns undefined.

  • getSmartWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => Wallet | undefined; Given an EOA wallet, returns the corresponding smart wallet. If a non EOA wallet is provided, returns undefined.

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