This section shows you how to enable and implement social signup/login headlessly, using the Dynamic React SDK but without any of the UI components.


You must have at least one social provider enabled in the dashboard. For instructions on how to do this, check out the configuring social providers section.


You’ll use the useSocialAccounts hook available from the sdk-react-core package:

npm i @dynamic-labs/sdk-react-core

This hook comes with a method called signInWithSocialAccount that you can utilize:

import { FC } from 'react';
import {
} from '@dynamic-labs/sdk-react-core';
import { ProviderEnum } from '@dynamic-labs/types';
import { FarcasterIcon, GoogleIcon, TwitterIcon } from '@dynamic-labs/iconic';

const SocialSignIn = () => {
  const { error, isProcessing, signInWithSocialAccount } = useSocialAccounts();

  return (
    <div className='headless-social-signin'>
      <div className='headless-social-signin__container'>
        <p>Log in or sign up</p>

        <button onClick={() => signInWithSocialAccount(ProviderEnum.Farcaster)}>
          <FarcasterIcon />
          Sign in with Farcaster
        <button onClick={() => signInWithSocialAccount(ProviderEnum.Google)}>
          <GoogleIcon />
          Sign in with Google
        <button onClick={() => signInWithSocialAccount(ProviderEnum.Twitter)}>
          <TwitterIcon />
          Sign in with Twitter
        {isProcessing && <span className='processing'>Processing...</span>}
        {error && <span className='error'>{error.message}</span>}

const LoggedInUser = () => {
  const { user } = useDynamicContext();

  return (
      <DynamicWidget />
      <p>user: {user?.email}</p>

export const HeadlessSocialSignInView: FC = () => {
  const { user } = useDynamicContext();

  return (
    <div style={{ overflowY: 'scroll' }}>
      {user ? <LoggedInUser /> : <SocialSignIn />}